Meet Australia’s Top Dog Finalists 2014!
Sydney, 4/4/2014 Announcing the finalists in the hotly contested Australia's Top Dog Competition..Media Animal TV was inundated with video entries from around the country proving scruffy really is the new chic! To find out who the finalists are and to watch their...

The Pet Talk People

Could your pet be a film star?
Does your pet have film star good looks or a special talent? Ann Harris owner of Animal Talent Time Sydney ,an agency for animal actors tells you what attributes your pet needs to be discovered or the potential make it on the big screen.


A Boy and his Dog
This is a heartwarming story of a little boy with a rare disability and his rescue dog and their incredible bond.. Get your tissues ready

Britain’s biggest dog!
Freddy is an 18 month old Great Dane and is believed to be the biggest dog in the world! He also has an enormous appetite and is a handful for his owner who still adores him despite him destroying many a sofa..

Kellyville Pets
Kellyville Pets is a Pet Shop in the North West of Sydney. Established for over 30 years, they range everything you may need for your pet and have a wide range of fish, birds, insects, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats and mice. They also have Puppy Pre School...

Good Dog Film Festival
The Good Dog! International Film Festival screens engaging films that feature our beloved canine friends. The festival returns from September 4-7, 2014 This not-for-profit festival seeks to raise money for local and international dog charities. At the same time it...

How to train your dog to find your keys?
Ever lost your keys? You bet - we all have! Well finally - there's an answer! World famous Australian dog trainer Steve Austin demonstrates how you can train your dog to find your lost keys.