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How to choose a pet rabbit to match your personality

How to choose a pet rabbit to match your personality

Are you a Rex, Tan Netherland or Dwarf rabbit type? Perhaps a Mini Lop? To find out which breed of rabbits suit different personality types you need to meet Australia's award winning rabbit breeder Allan Harvey who will help you select a rabbit to suit your...

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We visit a cafe for dogs only!

We visit a cafe for dogs only!

'The Gourmet Dog Barkery'-  is a cafe / bakery for dogs only. The cafe is stocked full of healthy dogs biscuits and treats-all baked by owner Lisa Haynes and lab tested by Lisa's top pooch 'Sampson

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Which cat breeds make awesome Pets!

Which cat breeds make awesome Pets!

Host of Media Animal TV #TraceyPreston visits the #ANCATS Kitty Kapers Cat Show in Sydney  and speaks to cat breeders and owners about their cats. We find out about different breed types and their personality traits.Including the sphynx, Ragdolls and a new cat breed...

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Australia’s Beauty Pageant for Cats!

Australia’s Beauty Pageant for Cats!

#Tracey Preston takes you inside the world of ANCATS Kitty Kapers Cat Show where you'll meet people obsessed with cats,cat breeders and you'll get some tips from the judges on how your cat could become a top cat! www.ancats.com.au

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Recovery Pet Jacket

Recovery Pet Jacket

Media Animal TV  received an email all the way from Canada today. Vet Dr Beata Zakowicz told us she had invented a 'Recovery Pet Jacket'. The jacket helps  animals recover more quickly after surgery. MATV thinks 'The Pet Recovery' is an awesome invention and wanted to...

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A bulldog love story from Norway

A bulldog love story from Norway

Dog owner Kai Halvorsen could not bear the thought of leaving his beloved bulldog Igor at a kennel, when he would go on vacation to Thailand with his family. To surprise Igor, and the rest of the family, he turned the dog’s kennel cage into a true copy of the family's...

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Australia’s Top Dog Competiton Winners 2014

Australia’s Top Dog Competiton Winners 2014

Meet the talented 4  Aussie pooches who took out the titles of  Australia's Top Dog Competition , Riley is Top Glamour Dog, Jindabyne is Top Working Dog, George is Top Pet Dog and Badger is Top Talented Dog winner.

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